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Baseball players spend countless hours honing their batting skills through repetitive practice. Simulating realistic pitching scenarios during individual or team batting practice could provide significant advantages. Recent advances in holographic technology may soon make life-like simulations possible, allowing batters to face off against virtual pitchers with real ballistics and movement. This could revolutionize indoor and backyard batting practice, providing customized pitching simulations on-demand.


Traditional batting practice is limited in several ways. Hitting off a tee or soft toss from a coach allows focus on mechanics but lacks realism. Pitching machines can mimic speed but not movement. Batting cages feature real pitching but offer limited control and customization. Team intrasquad games present a relatively small mix of pitchers and situations. Traveling for live at-bats against minor league pitchers provides realism but is time-consuming and expensive.

Additionally, pitch counts restrict the number of quality at-bats pitchers can provide in live batting practice. Soft toss and coaches lobbing balls lack the velocity, movement, and sequencing of real pitching. There is a clear opportunity for technology to fill the gap and provide unlimited high-quality simulated pitching.


Holograms are 3D images formed with laser light that can recreate complex objects and motion in open space. Holographic projectors overlay images onto existing environments, allowing virtual objects to coexist and interact with real physical objects. This provides for compelling illusions. Recent advances in hologram resolution, motion quality, projection speed, and interactivity are quickly making sophisticated, multi-user applications possible.

Several companies are pushing holographic technology forward into the sports training realm. VNTANA has developed an interactive platform using Pepper's ghost hologram illusions, allowing cyclists to "race" against life-size virtual opponents. WAYRAY has showcased hockey training scenarios where players pass to and shoot on vivid 3D goalie holograms. Such examples prove the potential for holograms to provide active, competitive simulations.


Applying these technologies to baseball could enable batters to face simulated pitchers with full repertoires in their home cage or backyard. Sensors on bats and field areas would track movement and collisions to determine realistic ball-bat contacts. Image sensors would capture batters' motion to respond appropriately to swinging angles and timing.

Projectors would overlay life-size pitcher holograms on the mound, chosen from a database of options. Their delivery, velocity, movement, and sequencing would accurately mimic their real-world counterpart. Interactive algorithms will determine appropriate pitch selection, location, and adjustments responding to pitcher-batter dynamics like a live game.

Ultra-high frame rate projections will ensure smooth motion, while advanced physics modeling will simulate realistic ball flight off the bat. Spatial sound can replicate the crack of the bat and glove pop at the catcher. The entire experience could feel eerily real while allowing total control over practice scenarios.


With a deep library of holographic pitchers available, hitters could select customized practice options. Session parameters like pitcher handedness, pitch types, sequencing, location, and velocity ranges could be tailored to focus on specific development needs. Training modes can target improvement against certain pitchers, situations, or locations.

Coaches could program practice plans optimized around players' strengths and weaknesses. Pitcher behavior could be modulated to aid mechanics' work - exaggerating tells or slowing key moments. Entire practice scripts could be saved and repeated to track progress over time. Data analytics will track metrics like bat speed, launch angle, and contact quality to assess improvement.

Teams could upload 3D likenesses of upcoming opposing pitchers pulled from video analysis for highly realistic game prep. With appropriate MLB licensing, even the greatest pitchers in history could be revived as holograms for an unprecedented batting challenge. The possibilities for customization are endless when training parameters and pitcher options are under complete control.


Holographic batting practice could first roll out in dedicated indoor training facilities, professional clubhouses, or high-level college programs with infrastructure to support the specialized hardware requirements. But costs will inevitably decline rapidly, following the path of consumer electronics.

Once headsets reach consumer price points, professional-grade setups could be leased or purchased for home garages. Streamlined solutions will emerge, needing only portable projectors, tracking sensors, and a smartphone app to power them. Networks of backyard batting cages, baseball studios, or mobile batting labs will make simulated pitching available anywhere.

Pro-level players will adopt first, but the appeal will undoubtedly spread through college, high school, and youth levels. One can picture future backyard setups where aspiring young players develop against virtual versions of the game's legends.


While the core technological foundations are in place, work remains to address critical challenges:

  • High-resolution 3D modeling of complete human forms in pitcher windups and motions
  • Advanced motion algorithms to exactly replicate pitching deliveries with proper timing, transitions, and coordination
  • Precise tracking and physics modeling of balls thrown at 90+ MPH speeds
  • Real-time rendering at a minimum of 120 FPS to ensure smoothness
  • Low enough latency between batter motion, ball contact, and visual response
  • Networking infrastructure to support complex multiplayer simulations
  • Cost reduction of the underlying display, projection, and sensing technologies
  • Development of flexible simulation platforms and content libraries


If these technical hurdles can be cleared, simulated holographic pitching could have profound impacts:

  • Allows repetitive practice against a wide variety of high-level pitching without cost, risk, or finding live pitching
  • Levels the playing field by making elite simulation training accessible at all levels
  • It helps hitters build recognition skills through exposure to vast pitching styles
  • Focuses development on weaknesses and scenarios that need improvement
  • Provides metrics to track progress over time
  • Saves travel time to facilities and expands overall training time
  • Reduces injury risk compared to excessive batting or pitching overuse

While initially benefiting hitters most directly, holographic simulations could also help pitchers practice fielding comebackers, holding runners, and other facets beyond just their pitching delivery itself. The data and video captured during simulated sessions will provide insights that help coaches fine-tune mechanics on both sides.


While baseball training provides a compelling near-term application, simulated human holograms offer adjacent possibilities across many sports like tennis, soccer, football, and basketball. The capability to mimic realistic human athletic motions digitally opens diverse training, coaching, and broadcast enhancements.

Beyond just sports, myriad entertainment, military, and medical use cases will emerge as costs drop and capabilities improve. It may not be long before holographic humans are nearly indistinguishable from reality. Baseball pitching simulations will provide the perfect proving ground to refine this technology, setting the stage for a broader holographic future.


Baseball pitching requires among the highest levels of physical refinement among sports motions. The capability to project realistic interactive pitching holograms, customized and on-demand, promises an unprecedented training breakthrough. While technical challenges remain, rapid progress in critical technologies will likely enable practical applications within 5-10 years.

Once adopted at the highest levels, costs will drop precipitously, allowing use for backyard batting practice and beyond. Young athletes may learn the game by training against the visions of Cy Young and Walter Johnson. While perhaps still a decade away, holographic batting practice looms as the next major inflection point in how the subtle craft of pitching and hitting is honed.